1. Thank you this video really helped me. I adopted 2 stray dogs in febuaray at 5 years old one was already very fat. We took them to the vet again today and my one dog sparky is 10kg overweight. Her lungs and heart are very bad. She needs to lose atleast 8kg in 6 weeks otherwise she will be in great danger with a heart attack. Im going to try use these methods to help her.

  2. My dachshund chihuahua mix is 14 pounds (I think she's lost a few pounds) and she needs to be 7 pounds, I got a special diet from her vet and I've been giving her carrots instead of treats when I train her, she hasn't been losing much weight though??‍♀️we've also been taking her for 3+ long walks a week.

  3. Hi I have a 5 year old male Maltese who is way overweight! He is 17 lbs and needs to weight 7 lbs! I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING! I have walked him almost everyday, given him a good amount of food! He does lay around a lot but he gets up every now and then. He does visit a vet but our vet doesn't tell us what we should do! PLEASE HELP CHLOE!!!!!

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