1. He's beautiful. I did my own yorkies also. I had a female, 3 lbs., with the fine Silky hair, and I did her myself. I later had a male, about 9 lbs, that I did, but he had such a thick undercoat, that I would have the groomers do him sometimes. I always wanted his hair long, and I tried, but you have to keep on top of it, or it would mat. I finally had him trimmed like a puppy cut later, when he lost most of his sight and hearing. He fought me so much, because he was scared, that I had the groomers do him. She would use treats in front of his nose, to keep him calm. She said it worked. He lived to be 16 and my little female lived to be 13. I now have another tiny girl yorkie, just almost 3 lbs. I groom her myself one month and have her groomed the next. She's pretty good for me, just bathing and brushing her.

  2. I've been my cousin's Yorkie for 11 years now. I went to college for grooming and all. But I have extra experience in your keys because I'm the only one she trust babysitting her dog.

  3. good job im not your average bather im been pro for 14 yrs now but i know how to groom its sad that some people still dont know the difference between a silky and a yorkie….i worked in hollywood beverly hills Ca…..thats why i stayed a bather i was making around 900 a week which is your fav breed to groom and whats a breed that sometimes likes to give u a run for your money lol we all have that 1 clients thats crazy

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