1. I have a Tibetan spaniel. I thought him that when he hears a special alarm tone we’re going out for a walk and he doesn’t even look up when he hears a other alarm tone. He goes nuts if he hears his “ we go out “ tone.

  2. I have a dog named Sophie and her breed is a great Dane and a beagle but she grows to be small and she doesn't shed she is black and white (she is a short hair dog) her fur is very short so u don't need to brush it (She sort of looks like the black and white pup at 4:08 )

  3. long time ago, before I was born, when my two older brothers were babies my dad had a little black poodle name Jerry, he loved that dog, my mom told me once it attacked a snake that went after my brother when he was like two and playing in the yard, and though the dog sadly passed away before I was born, my dad would always have some kind of story to tell about him.

  4. So glad you posted Lhasa Apso's!! I use to breed them in the early'80's. They do well with children only if they are raised with them from puppy on up as they are a stubborn, but very intelligent breed, they are best for previous dog owners or owners that are disciplined to train their dog. I currently own a 10 year old lhasa rescue and he's wonderful!!

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