1. Multiculturalism is being promoted in every White country on the earth, and ONLY in White countries. The purpose of multiculturalism is to turn every White country into a non-White country. Under international law, that constitutes genocide. Any White person who objects to this is called a racist.
    But White people are now beginning to realize two things:
    That multiculturalism is a codeword for White genocide.
    That anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

  2. such gentle giants
    The doggy giving his momma a hug on the couch melted my heart!
    I've always said never trust someone who doesn't like kids or animals. They don't have to have them either, just that they love their innocence and nonjudgmental ways. That goes into remission when kids become teens, but you get the gist of it. lol

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