1. Thank all you rescuers, everyone involved, you are true heroes and what you do is amazing.
    What they must of been through, it messes with my head, i feel truly sad for these animals but thankful they have been rescued and can hopefully live the rest of their lives free from suffering and pain.
    I hate the cruel, heartless bastards that did this and would happily make them suffer until a slow agonizing death, i get consumed by the hatred of animal abusers, i wish them all to suffer.

  2. I no longer talk to my own sister or her children. For exactly this reason. Her name is Judy Barbuto Church St. Franklinville NY she has been doing this for DECADES. So she doesn't have to work. She BOUGHT LAND, A HOUSE, CARS, HAS LIVED FOR DECADES selling puppies. I turned her in so many times. F HER!!!! AND HER CHILDREN ARE TAKING OVER NOW THAT SHE IS AN OLD WORN OUT CREEP. and when a woman tried taking the so called useless dogs that were too old to make money off of, and take them to a vet for dental work and so forth, Judy stopped giving them to her so she wouldn't get in trouble. I RATHER BE A VOICE FOR THE INNOCENTS THAN KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT FOR CREEPS. FAMILY. HA!

  3. Curses …Curses …and more curses for animal abusers.hope they rot while still living on earth that even death won't come anywhere close to them..hope such people suffer all types of diseases …

  4. For the work you do. After life on earth God will reward you with white wings for the Angles uses are many thanks Gary Smith. .how could any human leave dogs in there's conditions. What's the world coming to. God bless you all my friends

  5. Merci beaucoup à tous ces protecteurs de la cause animale d'avoir sauvé tousces pauvres êtres malheureux !Honte à ceux qui les ont laissé dans un tel état de détresse et d'insalubrité…

  6. I would love to adopt a 5-7 pound yorkie or toy poodle. I have a 3yr old yorkie and she needs a playmate. My husband and I are stay at home seniors with lots of love , but no money to pay out. I can't find a place that has senior free days or?? If anyone can help us find us a puppy we would give it so much love and care . Our Kikiis our princess and is spoiled rotten, but she would love to share her home with someone the same size. We have had other dogs and had them til they were 15. We have a great vet that lets us pay monthly when the need arises.

  7. All those poor dogs and cats stuck in tiny cages to live every day of their lives, no exercise, no love. I just don't get why or how people can do this, they have no feelings. Sad but sooo good to see them rescued and loved.

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