Parker may only have a few months to live, but his friends, family, and even complete strangers are making sure those few months are the best he’s ever had. Helping Hand For Animals and S&B Kountry Kennel in Iowa are working together to bring this rescue dog the love and happiness he desperately deserves. His life hasn’t always been easy, but he’s happier than ever as he works his way through a bucket list made especially for him.
Posted by S&B Kountry Kennel on Thursday, September 13, 2018
At only four years old, Parker already knows what it feels like to be abandoned—twice. He first showed up at Helping Hand for Animals after being transferred from a busy shelter in Junction City, Kansas. He ended up getting adopted, but the people that agreed to be his forever family didn’t hold up their end of the deal. When his family realized he might be sick, they took him to the vet. The reality, however, was that Parker wasn’t just sick—he was terminally ill.
According to the Helping Hand for Animals Facebook page, a surgical procedure removed several masses from Parker’s body. With testing, it was determined the masses were indeed cancerous, and the disease had already spread. It’s in his lymph nodes and various organs, and there’s nothing vets can do but make him comfortable. After his surgery and this heartbreaking news, Helping Hand For Animals attempted to contact Parker’s family. The family never responded to the messages, and poor Parker was left abandoned once again.
PARKER UPDATEParker came back to our care last week after his surgical procedure was completed and his owner, at the…
Posted by Helping Hand For Animals on Thursday, September 6, 2018
Sick, in pain, and without his family, volunteers and kennel workers are making sure Parker never feels alone. Instead of working on getting him adopted, they’re putting all their efforts into making his last months on Earth as positive as possible. They started with simple pleasures like extra treats and playtime, and as more people fall in love with his sweet personality, Parker’s bucket list is turning into a major endeavor.
Helping Hand for Animals started a Facebook event inviting everyone in the community to contribute to Parker’s care. He’s getting visits from his favorite volunteers and friends at S&B Kountry Kennel to play ball, eat steak, and go on adventures. Some days his illness keeps him in bed, and eating while battling nausea isn’t easy, but Parker’s friends report his spirit is never dampened.
Posted by S&B Kountry Kennel on Saturday, September 8, 2018
Parker is free to play with his favorite ball with his favorite humans, eat the best snacks, and meet plenty of new people. Best of all, he’s being shown love that doesn’t fail or falter when life gets rough. The plan is to continue showering Parker with bucket list activities for as long as he’s able. And when his time runs out, he’ll know he’s not alone.
If you live nearby and want to treat Parker to a bucket list activity, contact Helping Hand for Animals. You can also check out the event page, Parker’s Dance, for more information.
Featured image via S&B Kountry Kennel
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