1. Compare these videos and the treatment these dogs received with what happens in Korea, China, Phillipines, Thailand and much of SE Asia involved in the dog/cat eating trade. Donate what you can to this and other worthy organizations who help Hu Man's Best Friend.

  2. I hope the person who uploaded these videos also donates any financial rewards he gets from these videos. Hope For Paws deserve all the donations they get and more. Eldad has been doing these rescues for years. He is my personal hero.

  3. Just a piece of advice, chasing Animals around busy streets is NEVER suggested. Although people have good intentions they some times unintentionally push them into traffic with devastating consequences. I'm glad to see these didn't happen that way and came to an excellent end.

  4. 110 and Slauson. The cat jumped out of the window while on the freeway. Pick up a stray cat once in the same area. tried to take it to Pet Smart. I wish I was a dog sometimes. the're cuter

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