1. Training question. How do you train your puppy using treats without them always relying on a treat when given a command. So, lets say you train your puppy from the beginning using treats as praise or rewards when they do well. I don't plan to carry treats with me 24/7 once they are pretty well trained, so how would I don't want them to start going backwards in training if they stop receiving a treat after a command. Suggestions?

  2. I have a question that you cam hopefully answer….I am getting a german sheperd and im getting him in a week so i sill get him shen hes about 4 weeks old.. Is that a good age to get them already?? And at around how many weeks can I start training him…I got him for 20 dollars so.I dont know if its a cheap price for a good breed

  3. I just found your videos, ??my wife and I are middle aged and we out of the blue decided to pick up a puppy, we brought her home last Wednesday, we found her from a party that had Listed on craigslist, they had the dog approximately a week and a half and perhaps decided that she was not right for them and their younger two children one year and two year old, and claims that one of the parents had just received a job promotion and now they could not take care of the puppy any longer,

    Anyway now we are transitioning her into our home, and we Love her to death, so far she’s brought a lot of joy and I think the wife’s goal was to keep me more active, we Had her in to receive her first set of shots, and was informed that she looked pretty healthy with the one exception ABD hernia, The vet staff mentioned that possibly could be corrected when we took In to have her spayed later? We are little concerned about the situation, and not very knowledgeable about it.

    I only have browsed just a few of your videos current we are looking for puppy training potty training episode, I do have the crate arriving from Amazon today, another thing I know we have to work with is to calm her down a little on her aggressiveness, seems like she tends to want to nip and chew on hands and when excited possibly nips up on the face, not sure but have suspicion that the young kids of her previous owner may have been a little rough with her.

    Anything you can suggest on puppy potty training would be appreciated, will be catching up on all your videos thank you for your work,

    Matthew and Ming

  4. Hello, I got a question, how can I tell if my german shepherd puppies its a show line or a working line? is there anyways for me to tell the different or ? something my puppie is only 2 months old, please let me know – Thank you

  5. Hey I’m a huge fan and are going to get a German Shepard puppy soon but don’t know what too look for in a Dog breeder like what requirements and what things would be good to know like any certifications needed.


  6. German Shepard Man is a great genuine man! Such a great channel full of valuable info. I so look forward to getting a German Shepard one day and these videos will help so much in my preparation

  7. GSM and Girl, i just recently found your page. I must say you are a answered prayer. Just got my all black german shepherd, Jazmine, shes now 14 months with zero prior training. She is not food/treat driven at all as far as training. Before your videos ive resorted to toys as rewards. My question is, whats an effective way to use said toys? I.E. "sit" then throw the toy after she sits? Im unsure about the ways of using toys in its most effective ways, youd think a guy in the military for 8 years would know…
    Anyways, love your channel keep up the beautiful work! Always looking forward to more videos, thank you.
    BTW she is my first shepherd. Ill tale any info or outlets you can lead me too

  8. Hey, a quick maintenance question, actually two. How often should I be washing my gsd? I've heard different suggestions as once a month to once every six month! Lastly could you do a video on how to brush their teeth? Thanks

  9. GSM I want to buy German Shepherd and I'm first time so can I buy him?? And the main issue is that we go for work around 6 to 7 hours daily and no body is home at that time so can he stay alone for so much long??

  10. Great tip. I do train my dogs to lock on to my eyes though. It is amazing how much gets communication passes. However I do have collies so it is more natural for them I think. Really enjoying your channel, Thank you 🙂

  11. Do you have any suggestions about the itchy tendency of GSD's. My dog has no fleas. (It's 17 below zero right now, so not flea season anyway). And she is brushed well and often and fed very high quality food. But she is at herself constantly. I think maybe it is the dryness of the winter air. Any thoughts or suggestions as I know skin issues are a big thing for GSD's. My last girl also had them and they got very bad. Thanks and I love your videos. You so obviously adore your animals there.

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