1. I swear some people don't read the vest. I have a girl that has don't pet vest. Ughhhh my niece can read it and tell her brother. While a grown ass man can't see the vest or read the do not pet in 3 inch letters.

  2. I'm not trying to hate, I love your channel and videos and everything but you've been saying that max is basically done with his training and is a "service dog" and no longer a "service dog in training". It seems that max messes up quite a lot, now I know every SD has their bad days and times but every video/livestream/outing he messes up, doesn't listen, and or you have to repeat yourself more than one and then make him do the thing you want him too. Also you've only had him since what may/june and it takes 11/2-2 years to fully train a SD. You have also said multiple times in many videos that you have to rely on the headhalter or else he doesn't listen and his is not focused at all and doesn't listen, SD's should be able to do everything without the rely on a correctional tool. It seems clear that he needs to go back to the basics and be trained a lot more.

  3. @Service Dog Paws

    Last year you were live and I was showing you support as I was disgusted by what those trolls wrote on some of your videos.

    When I said "Do you have any support bars attached around your home", I wasn't being "weird", a lot of disabled and elderly people have metal poles screwed into their homes to help them and I was only asking because you mentioned that you have dizzy spells or pass out a lot and maybe having metal poles or posts in your home can actually help you whenever you feel dizzy or faint. I was trying to help because I have a lot of physical health problems too and I can understand how frustrating it can be.

    I just wanted to clear that up with you, I completely support you and your channel and I know you're not faking being unwell, all those trolls are just jealous because you have a great life. 🙂

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