1. I have this problem with my dog, but with potty training. I have a 5 month old pug. I reward her for potting outside when I take her potty and do a small punishment for potting inside. Just today she pooped inside right by the back door when the door was wide open… pls help

  2. Great job!! I love that method! Would you have any ideas on how to stop a young male dog not to “mark” ? Our King Charles is potty trained with a dog door… but he continues to mark EVERYTHING! We have tried hidden cameras, confining him to an area… we don’t want to crate him and our boxer when our eyes aren’t on him – because he is 3 years old now.

  3. I love your videos, you help me a lot. But i have a question.. i have a golden retriever (6month old) and she is blind.. can u maybe make some videos about blind dogs how to teach them things like not to bite or how to socialize and so on? Or just a video with some informations and tips about blind dogs? I realy trust you and need some help 🙂

  4. I have a spanish greyhound/ Galgo espagnol mix. And he is the most well-behaved and best trained dog ever. <3 I love sighthounds damn. Thanks to watching your videos I kept learning new tips and tricks.

  5. Ive got a retired greyhound. She is learning. It just takes longer for her to learn. She can sit, sit pretty, lay down, go to bed, we are working on spin and back up. And obviously we do not make her sit for long periods of time because it is so awkward for them to sit. But she will sit as soon as we have a treat in our hands, we dont even have to say anything. xD She is such a character.

  6. Awesome video! Thank you for posting! Could you please do a video on preventing a dog from eating poison baits or generally eating stuff on a walk. My dog eats everything he finds and we have many cases of poison baits for dogs here in Germany. I am so afraid he'll catch one some day.

  7. Great video! Im just wondering why you dont use clicker for capturing? Wouldnt that give the dog an instant feedback and reinforcement? Or it simply cuz the dog hasnt been conditioned to clicker?

  8. Zak, my 8 month old female Doberman named Ellie has the habit of running each morning in the my garden chasing butterflies, this tires her, but in the process she tears down the banana plantation I have in my land, she rips all the leaves off and pulls down the banana plants and she is destroying the plantation…I am in India please advice . You can watch a video of Ellie on my channel.please let me know

  9. Zak, could you do a video about dogs that won’t take food or treats from certain people?
    My dog is very bad about taking food or treats from my husband, he tries working with her for a few short minutes a couple times a day but she won’t sit within about five feet of him, gets disinterested in training very quickly, and won’t eat if he is near her bowl. When we got her she was extremely skittish and afraid of men. We have worked with her and socialized her a lot in the last year to the point she is great around 95% of people that come into our home but we got her when she was 6 months old from another family that didn’t want her and we don’t know what happened to her before.
    Please help, my husband is quite put out that she doesn’t seem to respond to him as he was very excited to get a dog only to find out she is my baby. 🙁

  10. Hi. I have a off-topic question. I bought a soft crate for my future pup (my partner does not like the metal crates). Do you know how to limit the space in a soft crate? I do not want her to pee in the crate due to it being too big. But of course soft crates don't come with splitting panels. Any trick, people? 🙂

  11. Hey there I had a question for you! It’s not specifically related to this video but I’m hoping you’ll see this and answer it! I have a 9 month old chocolate lab! He is great at home. Listens very well and can sit, lay down, drop it, and leave it. My problem is around other people. He has been doing better in our normal routine walk but in new places with new people and dogs he gets so excited and pulls and barks. He just wants to play with everyone and everything. What are things I can do to get him to stop pulling and barking and be more chill around new people? My husband and I have been looking into training classes but I want to make sure I find a good one! Thanks!

  12. Zak George how do i train a dachshund my dog is always out of attention he is always getting distracted and he always find the food i just wanna train him to sit roll and lie down and other things

  13. Hey Zak, do you have good training options for senior dogs? Our family dog is well behaved but I'd like to try some of the training methods and making her better at responding while walking for example. Also she lost all interest in play or gives up after two fetch, though she is still into food so that's always an option and so I try to teach her new things. How can I engage my senior dog into soft play that isn't too rough on their bodies, teeth and so on?

  14. Can you make a session about dog play with other dogs. My dog looks a little tense meeting other dogs. And playing with other dogs she looks like she doesn't know what to do with the other dog. And she is very vocal during play. Love your videos and try training my pitt positive. How hard it can be and how little patience i got left some times. But i am keeping at it. You keep on making videos !

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