1. People don't realize the amount of work that goes into keeping a good pack of dogs. I always see post on fb about dogs shouldn't be outside but they don't realize these are not house dogs and have lived their whole lives outside. If well taken care of they will be just fine if not better off than we are. Laying in them shavins and out of the wind they stay nice and warm, especially if two dogs lay together. I've gone as far as putting a heat lamp on them before. Working dogs are conditioned so much differently than house pets. I had hounds for many years and they where better taken care of than I was most of the time. Always enjoy your videos. Hope ya'll had a good season. I'm in northeast NC and the last few days have been cold jack, hope ya'll made out okay

  2. Redbull we cant run deer hounds in wv but in louisiana we run the hell out of them yall ever need any standers i sure would love to be in on a good deer race..I love to sling them 000 buck hell yea ….

  3. I couldn't find cedar chips either but a local hardware store had pine chips. It was just as fluffy as Cedar and worked great for mine. We only got down to low 20's but that was a big change for our normal temps. You must work them oil rigs lol! I wish I could have a pack that big and pens that nice. Fine setup you got buddy! I need a different job lol!

  4. Man you said mouth full then lots of people got hounds but ain't true houndsmen It's more to it then killing something in front of them dogs. And it takes time and money to keep them up you hit it dead on when you made this video

  5. I don't need to say one word ..everything you said is 100 !!!!!! Dad and I been hooking our rabbit dogs up …heat lamps , extra food , hot water ,bedding …any we can do to get them pass this cold snap . Im 35 and i can not remember it getting this cold – for this long … Glad to see 40 degree days… Thats Live Action.. Thanks for sharing ur tips …. C U N Da Woods " The Catfish "

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