1. I took my 6 pd mini Rat Terrier to Petsmart for a flea bath and his nails to be cut .. He acted skittish for a few days afterwards .. I took him again 6 weeks later and he showed such terror and wrapped his front paws around my arm when the same girl who took care of him last time reached out to take him from me .. I looked at her then my dog and I said to her something is wrong my dog is terrified of you and he loves everybody .. I cancelled his appt. Left and i have never been back .. I take care of all his needs now ..

  2. Heartbreaking. As a cat & dog groomer myself I could never imagine treating one of my clients like that. So sad for the adorable dog, It does not apear that he was being aggressive at all. I hope that Boo's owner presses charges against the former groomer ( Her grooming lisense should be revoked) and petsmart for allowing the situation to happen in the first place.

  3. I disagree with the majority outrage here. For starters, I have to assume the grooming took longer than a few seconds that are shown. It is out of context. If the handling was this aggressive throughout, then I could justify the responses. It is more likely (since the intention of the video was to show how awful the dog was treated) that the rest of the time the groomer was professional. Perhaps she tried gentle techniques to calm the dog so it would be safe to take blades to it. If that's the case (and again, I find it likely), then the groomer could either refuse to groom the dog, or do this. I don't pretend to know. I agree that the safety of the dog is extremely important. I also don't pretend to know that this action wasn't done in order to promote the dog's safety.

  4. You people are ignorant she was not miss treating that mutt.

    She was trying to prevent an injury the dog was fighting her and she was doing what she had to do for the dogs safety.

    Those scissors are razer sharp the mutt has bulging eyes they could get sliced by the scissors or nicked by the clippers grooming is dangerous.

    Owners are schmucks they bring their dogs when they feel like it mostly before company comes to visit.

    Thier pets are not socialized or accustomed to being groomed and that is dangerous for the pet and the groomer!

    No one cares about the groomer the grromer in this video cared about the mutt and was handling it in a way to prevent injury to the mutt so its aweful owner will not cry my poor baby only has one eye and blame the groomer.

    The reason the groomer did not turn away this mutt and its shit owner is because there are more shit owners than good ones and she would starve to death.

    I would rather starve 90 percent of the owners ought to be turned in for animal cruelty especially the ones who claim their pet is a rescue.

    The greatness of a nation is how well they treat their pets. Gandhi

    Ignorance leads to destruction – God the Father

  5. Alright, I'll say it. She didn't hit the dog, she just grabbed it because he was being a little shit head, which is how all dogs act when getting groomed. What's she supposed to do, just keep cutting while the dog is spazzing out and probably cut the dog or some shit? Geez. You people are insane. I hate how everything blows up on social media in this day and age, and it's always middle aged white women with nothing better to do that cause the blow ups.

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