1. Oh Casey our whole family gets so excited when there is new info that you want to share with us. You always make us laugh and we love you and your brother and little sister. Keep up the good work my friend. Love from the YUKON Territory in Canada

  2. I'm worried about you wasting away, all this dieting, there's going to be nothing left of you to cuddle. Lol. Chocolate not good for dogs and I don't want you ill, so I'm sending you a big kiss, hope you get it. X

  3. Chocolate is not good for dogs. I know they taste great but you should not eat chocolate. It effects a dogs blood plasma compound and you could slowly bleed to death if you eat chocolate. We all love you and we don't want you to get sick. Don't eat the chocolate eggs.

  4. Casey did not here about the Cadbury eggs….. you are going to get way to many sent to you to get rid of. I will give them my address also, I can dispose of the rather quickly. My mouth is watering for them, but i know we shouldn't eat them.
    Hehe. I will eat some just to be sure…….

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