1. Dog says yes and no. My dog could say yes by nodding, no by shaking his head. I was in a BHS Store when this unkempt dog sat in front of me whining. I put him in my holdall (did he stink too). Leaving the stores doors a uniformed dog catcher came in. 'That's as close as it gets,' I told the dog. He was silent in the holdall and on the bus ride home. At home, I cleaned, fed and named him Charlie. Vet's treatment done too. It took me ages to realize he couldn't bark. So I tried to teach him to say yes and no. It worked. Taking him shopping was superb. 'Charlie, do you think she's beautiful?' Charlie would nod his head – girls loved him. Other humorous questions got more more laughs. He never barked once. Regards. U.K.

  2. Tricks my 7 month old puppy knows:
    -Lie (Lie Down)
    -High five
    -Hug (Puts her paws on my chest)
    -Jump (I put my hand high and she taps her snout on the palm of my hand)
    -Down (Stops jumping)
    -Love (Calms down after playing and licks your face)
    -Animal Cracker (Goes to kitchen for an animal cracker/treat)

  3. Your Dog’s Body Language 101: Wagging Tail
    We always try to teach what we really mean when we do a certain thing to our dogs. For example, we teach our dogs what it means when we say “no” or what it means when we do not play with our pups for two hours. We spend a good amount of time on dog training and we generally think about further training like teaching your pup some tricks etc. It is so normal but there is something important that a lot of people forget when they try to train their dogs. Owners always think of what they mean, they do not care about what their dogs mean. What I mean is some people do not try to understand their dogs’ language, they always try to teach their language. However, what your pup means is as important as what you mean.

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