1. Video made me cry so touching. Do you and your husband still keep in contact with the Adams family dog owners and how often do you see them ? You all and them should create a Facebook for each of the dogs. It's a amazing story and I would subscribe to the facebooks. I too have dogs 🙂

  2. Dogs remember! My friend had a pitt and this dog bit everyone. He hadn't seen me in years and I walked right in .He jumped up in my arms and proceed to lick me to death.That has happen to me on too many times to count with dogs I haven't seen for years .

  3. I really enjoyed this beautiful and thoughtful video. Many thanks for sharing, u made my day, its v nice to know there r people like u all care a lot for their dogs, I know how hassle to arrange all this big meeting BUT it was worth it, they had a lovely time together , thanks for doing that to them, god bless u all ? ? ???? ? ?????

  4. my dog gets a steak on her birthday and gets to eat at the table. She loves it but it's kind of a struggle to get her to just sit on a chair and eat a steak
    also the dogs would remember the smell of their siblings. They may not know they're littermates but they might find their scents familiar?

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