1. I hope you can also do this kind of dog food recipe with ingredients found and available in our local grocery or supermarket stores here in the Philippines. I really want to prepare a complete dog food for my pets. Thank you!

  2. My dog ate raw food and developed pancreatitis (from someone feeding him thanksgiving leftovers) ever since I have been unable to get him back to raw due to fat content. He is currently eating THK Zeal (causes his pH to go up so I have to use Wysong pH+) and Frenchie’s Kitchen Turkey & Quinoa on rotation. He does better with the cooked food then dehydrated but neither are as good as when he was fully raw (Primal rotation), what protein sources can I use in rotation that will not exceed the fat limit yet give him variety? I use standard process pancreatrophin pmg and mercola enzymes and the highest I have gotten his fat up to before seeing mucous in his stools was around 13%. Thank you in advance, you’re reply will be very much appreciated!! Happy New Year!

  3. My Shih Tzu puppy has been very finicky about her food. She would either pick at what I gave her or not eat at all. I did have some success giving her a treat if she ate all her food. I also tried the more expensive varieties of dog food to no avail. This recipe seemed easy enough so I tried it. Happy to say how fast my puppy switched with little to no side effects. She now eats without hesitation and I feel good that I am giving her quality food.

    She has a lot more energy and plays so much more than before the diet change. Her poops are smaller and they don't smell as bad . . .another bonus! Thanks for posting this video!

  4. how many times a day should this be fed? I was feeding my dog about this amount three times a day and he was loosing weight. He has severe yeasty skin and after over a year of clean eating his skin WAS improving but he was loosing way too much weight

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