1. hey ,if anyone else wants to learn about how to train a puppy try Nevolly Top Dog Nerd (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some awesome things about it and my co-worker got amazing results with it.

  2. These are soft ass dogs being trained in a soft ass way. You New Yorkers should really stick to making pizza because as a whole your state is weak in true hard working dogs. All u have is Debbie Zappa and Marcus Hampton, how can an elementary school teacher beat you and your canine college degree if it's supposed to make you an expert. If you haven't placed high in ipo or awdf or any other dog sport, then you really have no basis to say you are an expert, granted ipo and all the dog sports have been softened up dramatically from what they were intended to be to make it easy for people like your pc westchester clients to title their dogs and feel good about having spent their money on the dog and its training . But seriously, how do you train no dogs for any security firms or three letter agencies or police and then you have also done nothing in dog sport yet you train dogs for personal protection that people plan to use to defend themselves. I'll tell you how you do it, by taking advantage of inexperienced uninitiated pet people, flashing some stupid degree from a dog school where u read books about dogs, and charging obscene prices to make people feel like you must be experienced for having to balls to charge such a ridiculous rate.

  3. My wolf, by the first insult the guy said would have taken a step back, had her hair go up, and striked. Quick question: should I teach her to attack a specific place on the body? Keeping in mind she is probably in the 200pounds and 4.5ft long(without the tail) and 3ft tall.

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