1. Living with my parents, we've always had cats… never had a dog!

    So now that I moved out and into a home with my fiance'… we've finally adopted a dog and she'll be ready in 3 days on 7/23/17!!

    She's a lab (something mix idk) and she's 4 months old. Her owners dropped her off at the shelter because she was "too shy and quiet!" … she was very nervous when we met her and peed herself when introduced to other dogs 🙁

    Any advice for us? She'll primarily be inside …

  2. I need a lot of help! My dog is 5 years old I tried to train her today but I couldn't even get her to stand in front of me! It's my fault and the previous owners, the previous owner hadn't walked her in 6 months, by the looks of it she had never been to the beach because she is terrified of the water, froze as soon as we reached the forest and isn't trained at all! (She doesn't pull on the lead and she walks beside me off the lead) I've tried to get her to adjust to the water by giving her treats when bathing her so every time she goes in the bath she will know that she gets treats so doesn't get as scared is that ok? When I was trying to train her to sit she jumped up on me and wouldn't listen at all. I don't know what to do. I think it's the training methods. When she was really hyper I ran around the garden with her to make her calm down and tire her so she wouldn't be as hyped up. She had a never ending supply of energy! Sometimes it's really funny the way she is. I've only trained her to jump up on things by tapping them and saying "up" plz help. I'm pretty sure it's my training methods! I'm not sure what to do.

  3. I took my puppy from a dog foster home about a year ago. I love him to bits; he has a great personality, and I feel that he loves our family so much. BUT, whenever I leave him at home he pees in the house: on the carpet, on the bed, on flowers..
    My wife and I were thinking about taking him to 'doggy school', but then again, it’s extremely expensive, and the nearest 'doggy school' is far away from us. Maybe you have some advice? THANK YOU!!!!

  4. So a "choke" training collar isnt necessarily a terrible thing. I use one on my guide dog. It's almost always a non painful quick attention grabber when he wants to sniff another dog or is more fixated on saying hi to my sister than working. If your dog is dragging you down the street a choke collar may not be the best choice there. It's all about how its used not what it is.

  5. I've just watched a clip completely undermining all you have said about dog bites and reasons for why dogs can be aggressive.

    Have you watched it yourself and if so what is your response to their accusations?

  6. hi everyone ,if anyone else needs to find out about best way to train a puppy try Nevolly Top Dog Nerd (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard some great things about it and my mate got great success with it.

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